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next ctf/ffa map (screenshots)


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yeah ill maybe change some textures. thnx for comment.


sure i could change the shader, but the texture doesnt look that great. just like flowing water. im looking for a "splashing" waterfall texture... not a flowing one.

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i figured out the waterfall texture. when raven used it, it was in the yavin canyon level as the water trickling down the side of the rock. but it looks bad unless you do what they did...they squeezed it horizontally down to .01 or .02 instead of the default .25


but that won't work for water that you want to be able to stand in. make a new shader by copying the bespin water2 shader, and adding a pair each of these tcmod lines to two of the passes. and maybe you want to delete the third pass (a pass is one of the bracketed areas that begins with the word map).


tcMod scroll 0 -1

tcMod scale 3 3


tcMod scroll 0 -0.15

tcMod scale 3 3


you may also want to delete the lines with tcMod turb, or lower that number.


if you want it to go faster, change the nonzero numbers in the tcMod scroll lines.


i believe you can then take your water and make it into a trigger push...not sure though.

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