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Why am I the only one, on a MP game, to lose my saber??

Bird Of Prey!

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When playing head to head, on MP, I've had this problem. I throw my saber and, at least one to two times a night, it does not return to my hand. When this happens, I am weaponless, force-powerless, and left with kicking as my last defense.


I usually play online with my cousin he has yet to have this happen in MP mode. He thinks that I'm "F@#%ed in the head!"


I've read the JKII manual and have tried the listed solutions. I've tried holding the Primary Fire button down and the saber does not return. The Lucasarts manual also says that the saber will automatically reappear in your hand after you've not found it "For an exteded period of time." Mine never has returned, I always have to have someone kill me to get it back.

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Strange. I have not seen it happen to me.. though I don't go throwing my saber anymore. Found that its not worth it..


But I tend to try to "pull/push" when someone does that to me and have found it to "possible" cause the saber to "disapear".


I simply just suicide to get my saber back if you where you. I thought it should come back after a certain time. But again I dont know enought about it.


Next time it happens just type "kill" in the console or bind it to a key.

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I've tried Switching the Saber, Hitting the "1" key twice, hitting the Primary Attack button, holding down the Primary Attack button, and nothing works. Last night I saw my saber floating in mid air and I walked up to it, walked through it, walked around it, held my fire button down, and it would not come back. :confused:

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