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One Newbie question & one saber-throw question


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First of all (and I apologize for the newbie question) how do you taunt? Do you have to bind a key to do it. If so, what do you type in to bind a key to taunt?


Secondly, I have seen a player throw his saber, have it return, and continuously fly in circles around him. Does any one know how this is accomplished?


Thanks for the help!:)

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I'm sorry to say i'm not in to the coding/texting thing, so I can't answer your 1st question.


In Mp, it is an annoyance when this happens, because of all the strafing that goes on. But to do this you throw the saber, strafe left and right to avoid catching your blade. Try it out. It should work.

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Actually there's a way to not have to strafe and make your saber spin around you...but it's VERY tricky and I prefer to teach people in game because I can see the mistakes they make and try to help them first hand...but there are 2 ways of doing it.


NOTE: I haven't tested these tactics in 1.04 - I'm sure they'll work, but just lettin you know I've only tried them in 1.03 - as they're more of a coolness factor, and not that useful :).


First way - takes a longer time to get going, but easier.


-Bind your taunt key (I have mine bound to J)

-Throw your saber, but as soon as you throw it, hit your attack button and hold it, your saber should instantly try to return.

-As it returns, quickly strafe a step to the RIGHT (very important). It should now be spinning about you. If you move, however, it will return to your hand.

-Tap your taunt key and you'll be free to move about as you want...release your attack key to have your saber return to you.



Second way - harder to pull off, but quicker (this is what I use)


-Throw your saber and quickly tap your attack (and hold it) key down to have it return to you.

-BEFORE it returns hit taunt.

-RIGHT before it gets into your hands, strafe LEFT (yes, left this time, not right).


Harder than it would seem to get the timing down on this one, but if it works than you don't have to tap the taunt key again, and it takes me about a second to pull off...while the other one takes about 6 for the average user to pull off.

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