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Star Wars/Religious Tie ins.

Lord Exar Kun27

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Ok there are many ways that Star Wars took some stuff from the Bible.

1. Shmi Skywalker had no mate but was pregnant with Anakin, the Force willed it so she owuld give birth to te chosen one. The Virgin Mary did nto have sex with her husband Joseph, the angel implanted God's child in her.

2. Luke and Anakin are kinda both like Jesus. They both came from a desert area, just like Jesus did.

3. In the expanded universe, Luke starts his Jedi Academy. When he starts it, he has 12 Jedi Initiates, or Followers, just like Jesus's 12 apostles.


If anyone has anymore, post 'em.

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It may or may not have been in Lucas's head to have things simmilar to bible stories in his movies. Only he knows and he wouldnt never state if this is true.

I dont think that he meant to have it relate to the bible stories.

Although in the SW universe there isnt any religion ohter than the Jedi code-which isnt really a religion but a way of life. But that point can be argued as well. I mean Jedis dont worship the force, they use it to augment their senses and abilities. The code was created by Jedis as a way of life to live in harmony with the force.

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The Jedi Order has all the necessary elements for being considered a religion. They live by a strict set of moral guidelines; they believe in a higher power and attempt to do its will; they believe in an afterlife. They believe that if they follow the will of the Force (the basic tenants of which are in their Code), they will be allowed to become One with the Force and exist forever as a part of the living universe.


"The Force is religion distilled." ~George Lucas



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Right like I said that point can be argued. My opinion goes both ways. I dont really favor any 1 side of it. It could be considered a religion from one point of view and from another it could not.

Anyhow very valid points from Jedi Monk as he gave good examples on how it could be considered an established religion.

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