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SAIK HUATS ROYAL GUARD nearly complete


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I know, I should of asked. BUT everyone KNOWS its his MODEL, ITS basically LIKE making a skin for a MODEL. Do you ask the creator IF you can do THAT. NO you just give him credit for his work. And besides, I only did it just to hold people over for the final release... If SAIK HUAT dosnt like it, then I will delete it. I was just trying to be helpful and thought people might enjoy it. unless the creator of this model dosnt want it there, then i will remove it!


Have a nice DAY :joy:


Oh and one more thing. Its not like i STOLE his work and was trying to pass it off as my own like tru_weed_smoka stole kinja's model. And he also said he needed the helmet and such to be shaded. I was just trying to help.

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Hey dude, technically dude its like me making a skin dude and releasing it dude. its not like i stole it dude and was passing it off on my own dude. so dude how about like telling me somthing important next time dude. :D


oh, and I LOVE THIS MODEL!!!!! its fun playing as a royal guard in MP with a metallic helm, arms, and boots, like he originally wanted :guard:

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lay off him guys he was trying to help saik's progress by oing 2 things for him. adding a shader and making an MP version. something is wrong though it says its a tripod site and the file cant be downloaded. send to my e-mail please!!!! ltaylora@hotmail.com anyway the single player version of mine has the saber sticking out of his crotch, this is rather funny to play with when jan is around :) but gets annoying in battles because it looks like he is jacking off due to the fact that his hands swing..... anyway is anybody else havin this problem?

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I just had a look at MaxiNeo's Shaders and they look just how i wanted them to look, so grats to him. Although I wouldnt advise anyone to try and do this with other modelers works because they get upset.

If its ok with him, i will use his shaders in the official update.


Kir Kanos - He does have a cape...

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go ahead and use those shaders if you want :D . Sorry I didnt ask if it was alright to post that first. A Model like that diserves to be shown off... Just think of it as an unofficial beta release! I'm glad you like it though. Hope to see your model out soon. Seeya

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Dam Arco I totally forgot about my thread, asking you, no begging you to skin my guard and if i remember correctly you agreed? Whooohooo!!! I havent got daily internet access hence me not getting back to you in time before the thread got closed. The reference skins are in the .zip avaliable at jkii.net. I really want to use your skins for final release!!!


And dont worry about the mesh on the SP release, because its bs. 2.0 has all that crap ironed out. Im releaseing 2.0 now at jkii.net.

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