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Force power changes in 1.04

Ready Wan

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Pull was fixed like it was intented to be, which is balanced with levels. So if someone with level 2 pull tries to pull someone with level 3, they'd almost always get blocked by the level 3 person. But if both have level 3, there's a good chance pull will work occasionally (gets blocked alot though), sometimes even knocks people down.


In 1.3, pull worked most of the time so the person getting pulled would fall down if the puller was within three feet and you were moving. Regardless if they had the same or greater level in pull. So... thus the pull contests to knock someone down in 1.3.


Push wasn't changed.


Although now you can push when you're on the ground, like in single player.


Drain wasn't changed.


Grip wasn't changed.

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The thing that really sucks with pull now though is that it seems totally random.


All the subtle tricks that seperated the good players from the average saber fodder, like waiting for an opponent to attack, run, or jump to be vulnerable to a pull are gone... I frankly didn't mind having to empty 1/2 my force pool to try and floor somone if I knew it was likely to end in a kill for me. (Using pull to conserve ammo was a fun trick that's gone now.)


Try pulling someone that's constantly running around with the saber out and attack1 held down, and even from behind you'll never be sure when you'll get a successful pull. Nevermind the fact that IF they are grounded that they'll flip up in 1/2 a second now. Why add the ability to push from the ground if NO ONE will ever be on the floor again for any period of time? This WOULD HAVE made for some extremely fun kills by pushing a potential sweeper off a ledge, (because they are vulnerable while attacking), but now I don't even see a point to it's addition.


I agree that pull was a bit overpowered before, but try playing a CTF sabers only match where a flag carrier rolls w/ absorb from pickup to pickup. Utterly frustrating gameplay!


The saber suffers too much because of this as well, because with no way to actually STOP a flag carrier in their tracks, once you're out of ammo you're reduced to swinging madly away, (opening yourself to blaster fire, IF the spash dmg weapons haven't gotten you first.) If you use guns or not the saber was your fall-back weapon, now its a shiled. Saber battle now relies on the fact that both parties are willing to fight each other fairly and in CTF it's just not gonna happen.


IMO, the addition of the push-from-the-ground, losing the ability to spin like a top while stabbing/sweeping, and the reduced damage, (and fixed hit boxes), would have GREATLY reduced the bs/sweep spammage.


In the end though I really wish they would start modifying certain GAMEPLAY modes seperately, although I don't really think it's feasable. On the one end you have the Saber-Code-Of-Honour duelers and on the other end are the High-Killin'-High-Scorin'-Anything-Goesers.

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I'm about to file JK2 into my "what not to do when you patch a game file" and move on to the next one. I haven't played much at all since I have been gone for a month military. Just checked out my first CTF game in about a month.


The gameplay is just not fun anymore. Sabres and force powers have been nerfed down so badly you are forced to use guns to compete. Also pull changes means you have no options to try and stop a capper by knocking them down.


As I was playing I was trying to think about what made this game fun for me in multiplayer originally. It was the fact that I actually felt like a Jedi, I was dangerous from the moment I spawned with the potential to kill anyone I came across.


Playing tonight I just felt very under powered. My heal didn't heal me, my pull powers were impotent, my sabre is now a weapon of last resort. I found myself playing in 1st person a majority of the time because I needed to use guns to be competitive vs always staying in the 3rd person back in the day.


When this game was originally released the player base was HUGE. There were so many teams and players and after each patch more and more people have left and they are never coming back. You can argue the specifics all day long of why you like this patch or that patch but the fact remains those players aren't here anymore. The game just isn't fun any longer for me personally. It was a nice ride anyhow.

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