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Duh...This Damn Clipping Tool!!!


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for a simple square doorway you only need three brushes. One on each side of the door, then one at the top to fill the gap. Presumably the floor would fence in the bottom boundary.


I can't imagine why one would need the clipping tool to create a door.


The clipper shaves pieces off existing brushes.. it doesn't punch holes into the center of them (because brushes can't have holes in them).

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Hmm well Rich told me I would be able to just clipp a hole.....hrmm


Well if u have many rooms.....and it would take three brushes on each...imagine if u have a button to, it needs more brushes.......and if u keep this going you will reach a large number of brushes.......

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well there's not really any way around it. There's no holy grail of door making that lets you only use one brush.


The reason is because no brush in q3 can be convex, which means that all angles must be greater than 90 degrees if it is opening away from the center of the brush.


Even using the clip tool will generate several different brushes to make your door.


Don't worry about brush counts that much.. keep things reasonable, but maps can easily have over 2000 brushes and still run just fine.

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ok, think of it this way:

you build your wall around a doorway, not cut a doorway into a wall


easy way if you got a wall and want to put a door there:


select the wall brush, goto the side view, with the clip tool cut straight up/down where you want one side of the doorway to be; with the cut line in place, dont just press enter - press shift-enter, and it will keep both brushes after the "clip"


then, select the wall half that you want the other part of the door to be, and clip that into two brushes; then the narrow brush where the doorway is (in between the big wall brushes, you can just move the lower edge of it up to whatever height you need to fit in the doorway




all newbies should just go to RichDiesel's site ; he makes learning mapping dirt easy to understand!

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I have red Rich tut........



I was just wondering......u dont have to scream on me :'(



Hehehe well I just thought keeping the brush counts down would keep compiling time(and work time) down.......but what do I know.....Im just a Pit Droid.... :p

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well, was yelling at myself more than anyone else


you are right in a sense; but think of it this way - doorways and holes/ whatever require 4 sides at all times - floor ceiling and 2 sides; whereas rooms require 6 sides - those and both ends; this is so the map doesnt open into the void


so just think of a doorway as a little hallway between rooms

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