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Terminal Modeling Failure


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I was making a saber hilt in GMax using -=[FBF]=-'s tutorial, I finished, exported to an MD3, loaded up MD3 view (got an error "texture not found), imported the .skin file, exported the glm, put the .glm and .jpg in the proper dir structure (my.pk3/models/weapons2/saber/), but when I try to start the game with my pk3 in the base folder it loads my saved game and instantly kicks me back to Windows(XP Pro). Can anyone tell me where I went wrong?

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Make sure the texture is on the model, when you export it out from gmax.


Soem things to note.


Make sure you texture is 512x512

You have all the tags

The tags are aligned properly

Make sure they are named properly

error might be casue by the file being too many polys?

or vetices?

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Faces should be around 1000. Verts are how many vertexes are in the mesh and are less important then the number of faces on the mesh. It looks like your model has twice as many polys as are usually used for the saber model, but that has nothing to do with your problem. You probably didn't properly assiciate the texture with the model. I have had this problem before but haven't gotten to fixing that problem.

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Also (and I don't exactly know where I got this from, but I do remeber it) make sure no single piece of geometry has more than 1000 vertices...and if it'snot an express limitaion of the engine, it will help you keep your geometry down :)

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