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HEY!! Where is YODA???!!!!!

Bird Of Prey!

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A week ago, I read that the Yoda Model, and skin, would be released "Within the next few days." Where is it??


I've seen the previews which look excellent, I've heard the hype, and I get excited everytime there is a new post, with the word "Yoda," on JKII.net. I've been waiting for this character for two months now. Over the past few days I've checked all the JK2 related servers 2 to 3 times a day.


Is the model REALLY going to be released anytime soon??


Sorry if I'm impatient LOL!!

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Well, lets just say if you start reading the yoda thread now, by the time you get to the end, he should be out :p haha


not only will he be out, but so will episode 3.................





hope that helps :p





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Originally posted by PODguy87

Well, lets just say if you start reading the yoda thread now, by the time you get to the end, he should be out :p haha


not only will he be out, but so will episode 3.................


:D LOL! you're right about that, I think I read the first 3 pages before eye strain set in. Think I'll save it for bedtime reading lol!

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Golly, most of it is spam about people asking the same questions over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. And then there are the ones who post their emails saying, "email him to me when he's done". And there are others that are like, "I'm going to die of some disease in less than 24 hours, boo hoo, please give him to me". I kept up with it for the first 15 pages of it's life and jsut got extremely sick of it. Screw it, when it comes out jediknightii.net will have it posted BIG TIME so I'll just find out there.

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