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how do i take a screenie???


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Well, im assuming by "sweeinie" you mean a screenshot, and this is how:


there are two ways, heres the harder way


first bring down the console with "****+~" the ~ is to the left of the 1 in case you were wondering.


now in the console, type "screenshot"


with this^method you pro are going to miss what it was that you are trying to take a screenshot of. heres the better way:


bring down the console with shift+~ and bind the screenshot command to a key, i use the "=" key, so for me it looks like this:


shift+~ to bring down console



bind = screenshot



and there ya go!



some extra advice, scan the forums for your questions before you ask them, because im positive someones asked this before, also check the help forum insted of the Valley.

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