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Strong Forces 1.0


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Has anybody tried this mod by Florian Stiassny? It has a few nice ideas and one EXCELLENT thing: At level 3 Force Jump and Pull, if someone throws you over the ledge, you can PULL YOURSELF UP! That'll surprise those Pushers and Grippers...


Also I like the bonuses you get from holstered saber: Grip and Lighting activate without delay if your saber is off, and if you crouch with saber off, your Force regenerates faster.


Only minus thing might be the fact that using Healing will turn your saber off. This is not a problem for me, since I play only aginst bots (no Internet connection at home) and I'll always find a place to heal myself in peace, but against humans it might get difficult...


So, anybody tried it in real multiplayer? Does it work in practice?

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