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Swg Monthly Fee Petition -- Sign It!!!!!


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Well after putting alot of thought on the topic myself and after reading Wraith 8’s post this morning, I decided to do something positive about this debate over the monthly fee. I figured that the only way we could get the Dev’s (or whoever) to realize just how strong we feel about this topic is to make a petition. I’ve seen some actual petitions like this do some good for other games in development stages.


Ok, enough small talk. If you fell that anything over $12.95 a month is to much to pay for a monthly fee for SWG, please visit the url below and sign the petition. Maybe if we get a 1000 or more people sign it, someone will listen to our cries.


This post is not meant to cause a debate on what the right fee should be…its just stating that over 13 dollars is too much for a fee. If you want to argue about it, go start another post.


If you don’t mind paying over $12.95, then don’t sign it.


PETITION : http://www.petitiononline.com/swgfee/petition.html



NOTE: If the Admins of this board think the petition is a good idea, then please make this post a “Sticky” so it’ll stay at the top. If it does well on this forum, I’ll post it on the Official SWG forums later.




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Be careful Ding, If you dont get alot of signatures but this thread gets alot of views, the devs might think people ARE willing to pay more. Noble effort however these kind of thigs will either work really well, or backfire in a bad way.

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ya good point. kind like those ppl who reply "I'd pay 30 bucks a month for this game!"


but ya...thats why i posted it here instead of the offical forum, figured Id get some signs before i carry it to the big leagues. I dont think dev's view this board...keeping up with the offical ones is a job in itself.



Anyway, thx for your input and bringing that to my attention and everyone that reads this post. Hopefully we can get a HUGE amount of sig's that can not be ingored by the Dev's. We can then say... "blah blah blah 75% of the community thinks 15 is too high" or whatever...


In my opinion..you'd have to be a idoit not to sign the thing...I mean, if everyone that reads these boards and the offical ones sign the petition...theres no way the Dev's can ingore 1000s of sig's. i mean...taking 30sec out of your "forum life" to sign this petition could end up saving you a coulpe bucks a month...I think the people that do say they'd pay 30 to pay should even sign it...wouldn't you be dumb not to?


Lastly, Dont take this post or petition the wrong way guys...I just trying to save us all a few bucks a month...

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I've posted on many 'a boards and sadly, these things dont work.


Once in a blue moon they will work, but who knows may this

one's moon is turning blue.




Good Luck, I just think when they dont sell as many copies because

of the fee of signing up, then they will drop it hopefully. Acctually

Lets hope they drop it before the release.

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however great of an idea this is, & however much i want it to work, we have to realize that, in all reality, if the devs don't like it, they can easily cut the list in half, if not more jus by sayin that ppls will probly have had multiple e-mail addresses & aliases...on the internet, this is an easy trick to pull.:(

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yeah... i think if u really want to convince the devs to cut down the price, u have to do it by reasoning... i for one wouldn't really mind paying 15$ for it if it's worth it, but it looks like alot of ppl won't be able to play when the fee is this high... so the worlds become less populated, which would be a pitty, since crowded worlds (especially the cities) would be a really good stimulation to play the game... and a town filled with NPC's isn't nearly the same as a town filled with Player characters...

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Well, your disadvantage against 'the man' is that this board, and the official board too, represents a very small number of the number of people who will eventially subscribe to SWG. Perhaps some percents, but not more. Sure, I like the bucks to stay in my wallet as much as anyone, but bickering over 2.50 per month means very little to me. But then, I plan to be working for at least one year from now. Sure, it's hard for you who don't have that much money each month, but that's how business works in a capitalistic environment. Companies listens more to people who have money, than to people who don't.

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I think everyone should sign the petition. Not only is $12+ higher than most other RPG's (which is bad, cause most people will go for the lower cost, Star Wars or not) but what about the people who's dollar is lower than the US? For instance, I live in Canada. So, whatever the price is for you, the price for me is nearly 2X.



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GAH! The price for you is twice as much, because your currency is worth half as much! That doesn't mean that you pay more than anyone else, it's just that you pay it in different money!


So yes, for me, it would be some 150 kronor. But that is because one swedish crown is worth less than a dollar! It doesn't mean that I pay ten times as much as americans pay. Hell, if everyone got SWG for 12.50 of their own currency, that would be like $1.30. I could live with that.


But the exchange course has nothing to do with it! Only the changes of the exchange course while you subscribe change the amount you'll pay. And that is very little, if nothing catastrophical happens. Your country is in deep **** if it increases the price with one dollar over a year.


So no. Just because you see a higher number on the price tag in your country does NOT mean that you get cheated. It's a simple wonder called 'economics'. Learn it.

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I want to know how much this 'fee' would be for people in the UK.

I'v never played an online RPG before, but this catches my eye. As a noob to online RPGs my argument is, why can't we just pay a large amount for the game box and to play online?


I'd be happy to pay £90 to do this. To me paying a fee to play a game online is too much of a hassle, and as I don't have a job/much money and other problems to worry about having to pay a fee every month (no matter how much it seems right) might just put me off buying the game... :(


A fixed, 1-off payment of 'whatever' amount would make me, and many others, happy... :(


EDIT: £1.50 a month would be fine.. :o

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Originally posted by Hokin

A fixed, 1-off payment of 'whatever' amount would make me, and many others, happy... :(


You open the box. You install the game. It sucks bad ass. Now you are not so happy for paying £90, are you? That's what the monthly fee is for: you can subscribe for as long as you think it's fun, then you can quit. It is also a very convenient business model for the creators.


And well, no way I'd pay £90 for a MMORPG, given the amounts of MMORPG I've tried out, played for a month or two, and then quit. It's not worth it, oh no.


Just take the current exchange course for £ vs $, and take that times 12-13. There's your answer.

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I agree with you to an extent, its just how I feel.


Firstly you could return the game if you didn't like it.. the £90 was only a suggestion, obviously they wouldn't sell SWG for that.


Secondly, I belive if a game was around that price, you would research about the game wouldn't you?.. Certainly SWG is will be worth a decent price and only the real SW fans will buy and keep it.


As I said before I'v never played or payed a monthly fee for a MMORPG, but this could be my first.


Unfortunatly I know nout about exchange rates, so doing that eqasion would be impossible :D

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Well, with an FPS, you'll pretty much know if you like it or not after an hour of play, even less. Same with strategy games. Role Playing Games, well, most often they take more. Say 2-3 hours.


Now MMORPGs, well, if they really suck, you'll see it immediately. If it's merely not good enough for you to keep playing it, it can take weeks. Even a month or two. That's why as good as all MMORPGs have a first, free month. Because it lets you see whether or not you will like it enough to keep playing it for a year. Research is much harder when it comes to MMORPG.


And the disadvantage with a one-off price is that it would turn away as good as 100% of all non-hardcore MMORPG/star wars players. And Verant and Lucasart doesn't want that. I don' t really want it either.


As for punds vs dollars, well, $13 is approximately £9.

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Originally posted by setsuko


given the amounts of MMORPG I've tried out, played for a month or two, and then quit. It's not worth it, oh no.



errr... this is Star Wars we're talking about... i think i'll be playing this game for at least two years (one year swg, the second swg+space expansion

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jeez! its just 12 bucks. anything up to 15 bucks is ok. If it turns out to be a kick *** game then it will take a lot of the devs time to keep it up and running. 10 bucks would prolly not be enough to support the devs and keep thier machines updated and everything. what the game is gonna be 50 bucks. then another 15. woop-de-doo!!! oh my gosh. its not like you have to play the game. And before you flame me cause I am being sarcastic, just remember we are supporting people to bring some fun into our lives.



That's all I have to say. Many of you may not support it but this is just my opinion and I have the freedom to my opinion.

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Originally posted by DudEhead


errr... this is Star Wars we're talking about... i think i'll be playing this game for at least two years (one year swg, the second swg+space expansion


I thought I would be playing AO for a year after release, from my experience in the beta. I played it for 0 weeks after release. I thought I would be playing DAoC for more than a year. After beta, well, a couple of weeks. Those words are easy to say now, dudehead, but there are none as fickle a mistress as the masked being that is the MMORPG market.


And this mr. Wolf is right. It's 12-15 bucks a month. We're not talking crack money here. I find it amusing how much time you spend discussing 2.5 dollars a month. The time you use for that could have been spent mowing a lawn each month, earning those precious coins.

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I have enough money to pay 15 bucks a month for it..but dont want to b/c i know that 12 bucks a month wil lcover ANY and I mean ANY expense that LucasArts has for delvelopin, maintaining the game. I really dont want to just GIVE them a extra 3 bucks a month for no good reason...


to me...12 bucks is alrdy to much...i realize profits have to be made...but i just dont like the fact of giving them 200% profit when they could settle for 100%...if they charge 15 bucks a motnh for this game it will only be b/c your willing to pay it...


thats my problem...the price is based on what we are willing to pay....not actual expenses...guess that just the good ole american way...and we're dumb enough to support it...

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