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A feature I'd like to see in Multiplayer


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What I would like to see if when I'm in "Spectator" mode and I'm following a person, to be able to chage the view from first to third person, despite what weapon they are carrying. Also, if I was viewing it in third person, I think it'd be nice to be able to move the fixed camera around the person. I beleive it would help make some nice viewing angles and allow to see action to the left or right of the character if they can't see exactly what's going on.


Just and idea...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Nickface

What I would like to see if when I'm in "Spectator" mode and I'm following a person, to be able to chage the view from first to third person, despite what weapon they are carrying. Also, if I was viewing it in third person, I think it'd be nice to be able to move the fixed camera around the person. I beleive it would help make some nice viewing angles and allow to see action to the left or right of the character if they can't see exactly what's going on.


Just and idea...


I agree it`s a nice idea. I would also like to see a Last Man Standing mode that would be kinda :cool:

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