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force speed


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Reminds me of Perfect Dark (N64) there was a "pill" you could take that would slow time down (quicken your reflexes). In multiplayer with 4 players, this caused IMMENSE lag for everyone as everyone's fps chugged along the "pill's" effects.



So I assume only SP allows for the speed real-time slowing effect cause all you are "affecting" are bots, while in MP if everything slowed down it wouldn't be that fun for 56kers, or anyone for that matter... Let alone the fairness of one guy butchering everyone in hypertime.


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Just as Psionic said, it's all a matter of real time against other people versus bots. If it were at all possible to modify the user's reflexes to create this effect, then yes, it would be possible to render force speed to be like SP.... but we're not there yet, and an effect like that would be not unlike doping yourself on opium. :rolleyes:


Am I making sense yet? As much as it would be nice.... programmers can only do what they can work with. Sorry. :(

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I think Raven decided that implementing Force Speed in MP like it is in SP would be a pain in the butt and changed it. It's possible, but then EVERYONE would have level 3 Force Speed. Now if you built some sort of RPG leveling system then you could possibly use it without too much suckyness.


Razor Ace

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