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JKII "Roleplaying" Server....WTF?????

Bird Of Prey!

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:confused: Few nights ago, I was searching the servers by map to try to find some new maps to D/L and some butts to kick.


I logon to a server running the "Jabbas Palace" map and, after a lengthy D/L, I connect. First of all let me say that this map has to be one of the better 3rd party maps out there. My only complaint was the lack of weapons and power-ups.


Anyway, I go running into the main chamber wielding my saber and run towards a man standing in the middle of the room. One or two slashes makes short work of him. Turns out that this was the host. He types: "WAIT, STOP! This is supposed to be a role-playing server."


I think "WTF, role-playing server?" as I look around the room and notice a few other players just hanging around. So, I put my saber away and explore the map a bit. The host frequently types "Who wants to RP, anyone here going to RP?" He would never answer how you're supposed to Roleplay.


Whats up with that????? :lsduel:

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Originally posted by NerfYoda

The admin repeating the RP questiogn kinda kills the mood though I bet hehe.


He eventually got pissed off because no one knew what he was talking about. So he types "OK, since no one's going to RP I'm gonna start fragging." Many responded "Good, that's what we came here for in the first place."

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