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Help me please!!!!


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thats the hard way.......ok just download a sp conversion that converts kyle to a diff character

ex. Kyle to Kyp Durron in Jedi Jaeden armor -




Use to WinRar to unzip the file, now double click and go into the .pk3 and look for the model folder



Now that your in models players or w/e you should see face, hands, all that crap just ignore it



Now do the same thing to the MP model that you just did did


Look for the files model & default_skin or skin_default (i forget)


Highlight and drag the MP model & skin_default into the .pk3 (in our ex. jedi jaeden armor) and it should ask you if you want to replace and just say yes.


I think thats it if i missed something just let me know..... good luck!



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