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question about scripting (not a "how do I")


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Been looking into this scripting thing--and it seems like it would be easier--for me anyways--just to script right in notepad. My question is--is that possible? Or do I have to use beHAVed? would much prefer to script with notepad and then compile it or whatever.



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Actually you can:)


i've done some of my scripting like that before.


What i do to get it is open a new file in Behaved then just save it blank. When its saved behaved makes a text file. open up the text file and put in your commands, then when you load the file in behaved you should see all the commands you just put in:)

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You can, but why would you want to? I used to be a 'hardcore' notepad user to write COGs, so I figured I would use it to write ICARUS scripts. After 15 minutes in BehavEd, however, I was hooked - why bother typing it all out when you can just use your mouse? And you'll never have to worry about syntax errors..

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