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New map, duel_coloseum


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i did not have any thoughts on ep2, the only inspiration was the coloseum in rome mabe. thats all, and i dont know if it looks like any other map but i am sure it hase some features nobody has ever seen before...(be sure to check out the sand texture with texture detail set to very high!).


i tested it on my server and can it has a real good athmosphere to it. check it out, its my fave for duels rightnow...

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not a bad map.. the layout is pretty well done. Looks like a fun duel map.


only flaws are mostly technical errors. I drop as low as 30fps in some views, which is fine for a duel but if you ever make a ctf/ffa map you'll really wanna watch how many polys are being drawn.


There's a couple spots with z-fighting too, and on the bleachers in some places the brushes don't line up properly.


I also wouldn't have let players jump on top of that awning thing.. shoulda kept em out with a clip brush. ;)

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oh heh,

i already made the ceiling so low, what fun would those jumpers have if they wouldnt be able to jump atleast on the horny thing...

the fps is fine with my pc: athlon 1,46 mhz 768 mb ram geforce3 ti200.

i play on 1024x768 with al details on. and have mostly 90 fps, and on some spots 70-80. but if i switch vsync back on its half the fps! so make sure to switch it of in the video options...


ps: the music is just the standart music for duels. i did not put any new musicfiles in it, the size should not be more than 1 mb...

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bad design methods bud, no insult intended


Just because it runs okay on YOUR system doesn't mean it's going to run okay on everyone else's.


And you can be damn sure I'm not going to shut off video options just so I can play a single map with good fps.

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actually it runs better than standart maps! and i wont change my texture detail settings either just because the other maps are slow. my map runns good with full details on my pc and many standart jk2 maps dont...so it cant be that bad.

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actually it runs better than standart maps! and i wont change my texture detail settings either just because the other maps are slow. my map runns good with full details on my pc and many standart jk2 maps dont...so it cant be that bad.

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