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Please Help Me!!! GeForce4 question and system performance


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here comes my first problem


1)I run the game in 800x600 with all details

except texture detail is high and not very high

i have 40-60 FPS average but when i get killed the game sometimes slows down to 2 FPS and becomes normal when i come back in the game.its not that important but id like to have the same FPS when i die.


2nd problem


2)My system:


Motherboard:MSI MS-6340 VIA KT133/A

Processor:AMD Athlon Tbird 1 Ghz

Video:ASUSTek Geforce 2 MX 100/200

Memory:192Mo SDRam


Is my computer compatible with a Geforce 4 Ti 4200???


THX for your help!

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Yes, it is.


But you might be better off dropping a GeForce3 in there and using the saved money to buy RAM for a total of 256 to 512.


My box is a 1 GHz AMD w/ 512 RAM and a GeForce3 Ti500 and I run JKII at 1200x1600@32-bit with all settings maxed for MP games at about 35-60 FPS (unless I am starring at a wall...in which case I get 120+).

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If you've budgeted for a GF4 Ti then you won't be dissappointed by it.


I got a GF4Ti4400 128 and the thing is amazing.


I dunno why but i also got slowdown at the end of a duel, i managed to fix it, heres how, i typed in console - Com_maxfps 200

What this effectively does is uncap the upper framelimit.


I now get 140 fps+ and no slowdown at the end. Fair enough having the framerate that high is somewhat pointless if your monitor only refreshes at 75hz but it did fix the slowdown issue.


My settings etc are as follows.


Athlon 1.4ghz

1 GiG DDR ram

Abit KG7 M/B

GF4Ti 4400 128mb

17" sony monitor


I run at 1280 x 1024 with detail fully maxed out. (if i had a bigger monitor I'm sure it would not affect framerate too much)

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Originally posted by UglyGenius

Yes, it is.


But you might be better off dropping a GeForce3 in there and using the saved money to buy RAM for a total of 256 to 512.


My box is a 1 GHz AMD w/ 512 RAM and a GeForce3 Ti500 and I run JKII at 1200x1600@32-bit with all settings maxed for MP games at about 35-60 FPS (unless I am starring at a wall...in which case I get 120+).


I run the game with 256 ddr ram.. and it runs great at 1024x768.... I also have GeForce3 Ti500, and I have no problem..




Probably the problem is that you have a outdated 3dcard.. Perhaps is time you should get a new one

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I have GeForce2 GTS/Pro.


Haven't checked my fps in the game, but I can see that it runs lovely...


If you were to get a new gfx card GeForce3 Ti is definetly what you are seeking!


And put some quality ram in it while your at it, I have 256 DDR...and it's really nice! My next aim is 512, but I ain't got the cash :)

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I tried JK2 on systems with 128 and 192 MB of RAM and it ¨runs OK when you dont set the textures to very high (high for 128).


Sys Specs:

MS-6163 BX 800x600 32bit

Celeron 600@900Mhz Geometry: Med

192MB 100Mhz Textures: High

GF4 MX-440 64DDR Trilinear



BX Board 640x480 32bit

PII 350@392Mhz Geometry: Med

128MB 112Mhz Textures: Med

GF2 MX-400 64SDR Bilinear


Runs very well ussualy 40-70FPS, but I think the processors are slowing it down a little.

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