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Need some help with my story


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I know a lot about the Duros:


They are the same color as Rodians: that turquoise color. They have big heads, almost like the stereotypical alien head, with the big eyes, but they are red eyes.


They are very good pilots, and most live on space stations above their planet, as it is used by the imperials as a dump facility, and they mine the artifacts of the planet, stealing away priceless jewels of their civilization. Their planet has nearly become unlivable because of the waste dumped on the planet.

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Hey, I'm writing a SW story, just for my own entertainment. I could use some help with some of the locations and characters.


Here are planets I need:


Outlying, underpopulated planet with no Imperial presence (besides Tatooine)


Planet that would be good for a Rebel strike team to be stationed on (just make suggestions)


Planet an Imperial prison would be likely to be on.


Place where Imperial mines are located.


Location of Imperial shipyards where ships could be stationed that would help in the Battle of Endor.


Characters I could use info on:


Garouf Lafoe

Ellors Madak

Leslomy Tacoma

Leesub Sirln

High Inquisitor Tremaine


I could also use the name of an Admiral or General stationed in the Outer Rim that is not around after Ep6, but doesn't die in any book.


I would love to have some information on the Qiraash and Duros species.


Thanks a lot.

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Ummm....right, this is odd.


Anyways, you should do what most SW authors do, just make it up! Seriously.


Still, if you want to be more accurate, here are a few ideas:


Outlying planet: Dubrillion, maybe?


Rebel Bases: They could be anywhere. But how bout Commenor? There was an abandoned rebel base there when the Rogues came in, but i don't think that the base has a story.


Most mining colonies are in astroid belts....


Shripyards: The three main imperial shipyards that i'm aware of are at Kuat, Corellia, and Bilbringi. There are, of course, many smaller ones too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by hannibalscipio

Hey, I'm writing a SW story, just for my own entertainment. I could use some help with some of the locations and characters.



Planet an Imperial prison would be likely to be on.


Place where Imperial mines are located.




Kessel would be your most likely anwser for that. Basic description: Large, potato shaped planet/asteroid, artificial atmosphere, need breath-masks to breath, Harsh prisons and mining conditons.


I hope that helps! :)



EDIT: Here's a bit from the TFN encyclopedia.


humanoid race characterized by their blue skin, red eyes and long, thin faces. There is no nose on their face. They are a calm, peaceful race (although the Star Wars Screen Entertainment software claims that they are reckless innature) and are considered dependable workers and gifted storytellers. Their society was formed many millennia before the Galactic Civil War, and was very advanced technologically. Most Duros are interested in space travel, and are employed in one of the many industries that deal in travel between the stars. Those Duros who remain near their homeworld work for one of the many starship construction facilities that orbit the planet Duro. Many of the Duros found off-planet are graduates of the Duro Academy of Deep Space Exploration, and can navigate a hyperspace jump with limited star charting. The general population of Duros also refused to admit that the Neimoidians were genetic descendants of their race, despite the scientific evidence which proved their relationship. During the Galactic Civil War, the Duros were ostensibly loyal to the Empire, although the Empire established observation centers at many starship yards to keep an eye on them. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, many Duros felt that the New Republic was too lax in its defense against the alien invaders, and several Duros claimed that the galaxy would have been better prepared to defend itself if Emperor Palpatine had still been in power




And here's a bit on Ellorrs Madak:


Ellorrs Madak

this was an alias used by the Duro Ohwun DeMaal. Ellorrs was in the Mos Eisley cantina when Luke Skywalker and Ben Kenobi try to book passage to Alderaan. Ellorrs Madak was a flight instructor and pilot who would take just about any job for the right price

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