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Jedi Knight II crash sometimes !

Jedi M.S.

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what is your video card/OS/ram/processorspeed?

where/when does it crash? any common things happening during crash?

whats your detail levels at?

are you running a bunch of other programs at the same time?



ok, this note to all the people asking about "crashes":


a "crash" is an extremely vague error, and as such can be caused by many many many different things; so please dont just post: my game crashes how i fix?


nothing personal to you in particular, jedi m.s., its just this is atleast the 4th vague question no info thread ive come across just this weekend (and a quarter of it this forum was down!)


basically, we need more information to diagnose the problem, and help you quicker - so we dont have to ask all these questions to narrow down the causes

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You got totaly right !

I'm sorry that I forgot to say it,

but here is the information of my computer:


processorspeed: 1000 Mhz ( AMD Duron )

192 MB RAM

Video Card: 3D Prophet 4000XT (32 MB videomemory)

Sound Card: Via AC'97 Audio Controller (WDM)


Monitor: Relisys 770


Operating System: Windows '98 second edtion

When I don't play, my details are 800 X 600 pixels (32-bits)

But the details in Jedi Knight II are:

Video Quality: Fast

GL Extensions: On

Video Mode: 640 X 480

Color Depth: Default

Full Screen: On

Geometric Detail: Medium

Texture Detail: Medium

Texture Quality: Default

Texture Filter: BILINEAR

Detailed Shaders: On

(That are all the details that you can see wen you start Jedi Knight II up and then click on SETUP.)


It can crash at any time.

I don't now when it crash.

When I'm just playing, it can crash at 5 minutes, but also at

2 houres.


And when I play the game, then I don't run other programs.


I hope you got enouph information?

And I hope that you now can fix my problem !



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well, it may be your card, i never heard of it; although 32 vram can be enough (especially since you are smart enough not to try running at full), sometimes there are other card properties that cant handle certain features;


like my old comp with a voodoo 16 meg card can play the game ok, but it doesnt do textures bigger than 256x256 - so i had problems; like i couldnt save/load more than once, or the game would crash


i guess just look around make sure your drivers are updated for the card; and maybe even the sound card too; yeah and check about the cards optimal rendering style; openGL:, direct3d, etc.


basically, with that system you have, you really could use a better video card, id recommend getting a cheapie geforce2 or 3 64 mb card; browse around, etc. try pricewatch.com


basically, i built my new computer just to play this game :p yeah i know "get a better _____" is not really helpful advice, but unless you can better optimize your setup for the game,


cuz really i dont see why your particular system would have problems: my friends gateway 450mhz 384 pc100 ram 64mb geforce4; detail settings near identical to yours; game runs fine, besides low fps at certain points (it woulda run better if he got a lower-end card; his current card, the motherboard cant handle its features)

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