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Announcement: Jedi Council Website Updated,back Online, And Better Than Ever.


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I have just finished talking with Midgit Yoda about our new Jedi

Council website. He has told me that he just finished the new one

a few days ago. I went and checked it out and it is great. Of course, we don't have everything up and running right now so sit

back, relax, and bear with us as we work to acheive this long awaited goal of ours.lol. Anyway, in the meantime, check it out at

this link below:




You can head over to the Saber hilt downloads section and find

my latest saber hilt there to download. It's officially the first download we have there. We're still working on the WIPs and the rest of the website. I still have to go get pics for my WIPs lol.

In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the parts of the website that we do have up and running lol. :D

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