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Battle Droid in-game!!!


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Well, I finally did it! I got my battle droid in the game! And for you who shout: "No, that cannot be, he is mistaken!" I have something to make you say "these ARE the droids we're looking for."!




As you can tell, I'm quite exited; this is my first actual model for a game (appart from a failed NWN test character and my tonfa saber) and I think it's turning out quite well.


But there's still a bit I'm gonna do before I release it:

-make a good set of skins (presently it's working with two crappy test maps)

-weight the fingers

-get all the sounds together (I've only got a push sound, the "you're under arrest" and two "roger-roger"'s: any help would be appreciated)


Anyway, I'll be looking up those commmands for 3rd person view and changing the viewpoint to get some real screenshots...I just had to post this one asap :)


And on a final note I've got to say thanks to all the people who have given advice over here!

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All I can say is great work. I assume you'll be doing a yellow and red droid??


And if you do bot support, it would be nice if they were regular gunners(with force speed, jump, push, and pull)....




ANy chance of a Super Battle Droid???

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Originally posted by MacD

...Anyway, I'll be looking up those commmands for 3rd person view and changing the viewpoint to get some real screenshots...



cg_thirdPerson 1/0: switch between the 1st and 3rd person




cg_draw2D 1/0: hides/unhides the HUD


You can get a nice frontal view with these 4 commands:


cg_thirdPersonAngle 180

cg_thirdPersonRange 90

cg_thirdpersonPitchOffset 20

cg_thirdpersonVertOffset -20

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Thanks for the support, guys! And thanks to Anavel Goto, I'll put up some more screenshots soon :)


Also, someone put up a couple of sounds on this forum recently...two things: who where you (cos I'm gonna use them, and I want to give credit where it's due) and secondly...do you have any more? Footsteps, death sounds....just have a look in the sounds/char/modelname/misc directory in the assets.pk3 to see which I need. The help would most definitly be appreciated and make for a cooler model to be released sooner :)

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Here's another screenie:


Take that!


As for skins...well, that starts today...first up is just a TPM skin...the commander, with the yellow skullcap. We'll just see from there :)


BTW, I was wondering if maybe the sounds.cfg could also add a line pointing to sound/player/footsteps in the assets0.pk3...would that help? I mean, it already points to sound/char/misc...did you guys also try fscking around with that? I mean, there's quite a bit I can do for the misc sounds, but I want more, more, MORE! Mwhahahahaha! Uh...well, you know what I mean :)


Anyway, first up is skinning, then weighting (of hands, for example :( ), then sounds and botsupport. Hell, I'm just happy to see my model in game :) It's just so cool to see something you've made hacking and slashing :)


BTW, I did say this was my first model, right? Well, any help/tips/whatever is really appreciated! But leave the requests for later, when I've got the basic model done :)

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I seem to remember something about a model which did manage to replace the footstep sounds, but by doing so, removed other footstep sounds...or something like that. Or maybe that's from the NWN discussion somewhere else :)


Anyway, some more screenshots...I'm sorry about the quality, they seem a little dark, but that will just have to do:











And now I'm off to skin a cat...uh, battle droid :)

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Instead of changing the brightness and contrast I usually create a layer on top of my layer skins that is completely black and change the opacity of that layer.

That way you can change the opacity (which is pretty much the brightness) after you've tested it in-game a lot of times. With changing the brightness and contrast it's less easy to go back because you either apply it to the flattened image or the individual layers.

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Thanks, Anavel, but we're talking about the screenshots :) And it's too late; I'd rather work on the model than tweak the shots :)


Oh, Eklin...please read my posts. It says something about hands...

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Originally posted by MacD

Thanks, Anavel, but we're talking about the screenshots :) And it's too late; I'd rather work on the model than tweak the shots :)


Oh, Eklin...please read my posts. It says something about hands...


I actually think we are talking about the skin it self.

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