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Download > 12KB/sec possible?


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To enable downloads the server has to set:


seta sv_allowDownload "1"


and client (mostly via menu) has to enable downloads too.


Q: How to speed up download?

A: set sv_maxRate 25000. Correct?


But it seems, that this value wont change anything? Even combined with maxrate and *very* eg. 65000 settings, downloadspeed from the server to my client is still at maximum 12 KB/sec.


Am i missing a client setting or is this setting just not working?


The linux server has 2MBit bandwith, that should do


Any hint is great



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Originally posted by Andy867

It depends upon the server/connection you are running on from my experience... for some servers, I got 3kb/s at best, and others, I got 25kb/s... so really it ranges from server to server...Least, thats my theory...


mmmh - thanks for this info. So its not client dependend - it has to be some server setting. Or did u do any changes on your client concerning the download variables?




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Originally posted by Jasco Smlee

I always thought the download rate was limited by your servers sv_maxrate. Are you also upping your client rate to match the servers maxrate? If not, you will be limited by your client's rate setting.


Thats what I thought (that sv_maxrate will determine the download rate). What is meant by "upping your client rate to match the servers maxrate". Do I have to set a client variable (something like cl_maxrate) on my client or is this done via server.cfg settings?





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In the game where you pick your connection speed, this actually sets your clients rate. You can also just type this in the console in game. For example, if you pick 56k modem it will set your rate to 4000. Try rate 25000 and see if that makes a difference.

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I had the same question and figured it was slow because of the maxrate.. which I do not want to increase because we have a big server and increasing that just adds lag for peeps.


It would have been nice if they could have had a maxratewhiledl variable that could be different. That way in game would be the same lower rate but dl could be way up there at like 300k/sec or something.. because dl at the slow rate bites and why do it then?


Our server supports gobs of bw but you have to keep maxrate down to keep the server from over lag..


Gotta lub that q3a engine!




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