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Smoothing out ping


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1st of all, a low upload of 128k wont help will it?

I'd like between 4-8 players depending on what it can cope with.

I've found that my CPU usage isn't that high (having a pretty decent processor) so Im guessing the problem is

a) JK2 settings

b) Internet Traffic.


Im running a linksys router and I remember people talking about tweaking MTU before but the post seems to have been deleted now.

Also what about maxrate etc?

Do mods make any difference or do they just load the CPU more or no difference at all?

Im running a cable connection 512k download 128k upload.

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I have ADSL with 256kbps upstream. With maxrate set at 4000 I can comfortably manage 6 players. I think you could go as low as 3000 maxrate at a push. Try that with 4 players and see how it goes. Then just up it bit by bit 'till you get lag. Mods should make no difference.

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