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Some help please


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i want to add a custom avatar under my name, but it doesnt work.

wether i choose upload or url, it doesnt work.:mad:


i always get this message:

Warning: Unable to create '/home/virtual/lucasforums.com/var/www/html/upload/pad_av1.gif': No such file or directory in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/lucasforums.com/httpdocs/member.php on line 1061


Warning: Unable to move '/tmp/phpFdUep6' to '/home/virtual/lucasforums.com/var/www/html/upload/pad_av1.gif' in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/lucasforums.com/httpdocs/member.php on line 1061


what do i need to do to make my avater work?

my avater is 70 x 70 ans is less then 20kB so thats ok.


some help please

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