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More Emotional Attatchments Mod?


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I assume by emotional attachments he's talking about bot emotional attachments - A bot can be "inclined" not to attack certain other bots.


For example, if you're playing with a Jedi bot and a Luke bot, if all three of you are equal distances from each other, the Jedi and Luke bots are likely to team up on you.


As of now, the limit to the number of emotional attachments a bot can have is some low number... 8 maybe?


He obviously heard of a mod to increase that number and was wondering who was working on it.

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For f*ck sake, I'm sick of this forum. Listen, if you don't understand the question, then don't answer. If that means I don't get helped then so be it, I don't care, but for me to check this thread every time someone posts only to find some spammer posting "oh dear, I don't understand you, ooo, I such a whiney newbie, ooo, look at my frilly dress" Is downright annoying.


Sorry if I'm offending but frankly, I don't care any more.


10+ posts and no help. What's the point?

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ok, *sigh*, Emotional atachments: you can configure every bot so that it will co-op with other bots by adding the bots names( the ingame names and not the model names) in their jkb file,this is what you would find it that file for example Han Solo:


// emotional attachments

"Leia" 2

"Chewie" 2

"Luke" 2

"rebel" 1



the meaning of those numbers: if there is a 2 after the name of the bot then the bot wil co-op with the other bot even in FFA.

If the number is a 1 the bot wont co-op in FFA but will in CTF


the max of the names per bot are 4 so youre bot will only co-op with different 4 bots and not with 5 or 32, with this new mod where Jason_w is talking about it is possible that the bot can co-op with 128 different bots

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