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qui gon is too good for the council


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in my opinion...


qui gon jinn is further to the light side of the force than the jedi council. so on a meter of 1 to 100 1 being the true light jedi and 100 being a dark sith lord... qui gon is 1 and the jedi council is 2; obviously both far from 100. However there are several reasons why i feel qui gon is further to the light side:

-he preaches more of a respect for life forms than members of the jedi council

-he is much more calm and contempt and trusting that the force will quide them then members of the council

-(as dooku mentioned in ep 2) qui gon was aware of the corruption in the senate

-qui gon insists in anakin's training which at first turns out to be bad, but ultimately does bring balance back to the force

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Hmmmm, well first off. He does not preach more respect for living things, he simply is more aware of the living force. The council respects life forms as much as QuiGon does, they were very against creating an army because they are keepers of the peace, not soldiers.


Again, the council has GREAT belief that the force will guide them....that is why they are on the council, they understand and control the force better than anyone in the universe.


I think all of the Jedi are aware of the corruption in the senate, but it is their duty to follow the senates wishes as long as it is something that Jedi can do. Even QuiGon went along with the senates wishes. It was Chancellor Valorum that sent QuiGon and obiwan to Naboo in ep. 1.


But his not listening to the council wishes results in the Jedi Purge.


I'm not saying that QuiGon wasn't a cool Jedi.....i simply don't think that he was to good for the council (Plo Koon is on the council..........and he's better than QuiGon.;))

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Originally posted by ET Warrior


But his not listening to the council wishes results in the Jedi Purge.



LOL! You know, I never thought of it like that. I've always believed that the Jedi Council approved Anakin's training by Obi-Wan out of sympathy for Qui-Gon dying at the hands of a Sith, that they admittedly were skeptical even existed(guilt, perhaps). Also out of respect for Obi-Wan to fulfill his master's dying wish, they allowed Anakin to become his Padawan. Yoda was always skeptical about Anakin, though he did not interfere with his development in the Force.

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