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Darth Maul Saber Hilt


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wow,,id just like to inform you all that i screwed my self over royally. While making an attempt at my first model ever (darth mauls hilt) I payed no attention to the poly count. It is now through the roof and I think i have to start again unless there is something i can change :( Thanks for all your support:)

-Mix Master

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ok...since i cannot use my other model...I have decided to only work half of mauls hilt. Since there are none of Mauls Half hilt (where obi-wan cut it in half),,,and there have been requests...thats what I shall do. the model is complete and it should be fairly easy for me to skin it now so look out for it. :) BTW, here is a screenie of the new hilt WITHIN THE POLY LIMIT!!!!!!!! (yay)(remove the "http://" part




-Mix Master

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