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You Made Dual sabers(JediMod)


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Youve Made Dual Sabers Jedi Mod Congrats on that! But is it Possible to make Dual Blasters? perferably diffrent model blasters Cause Bryar blaster really looks fat and round and well.. Stuiped..

I was thinking more along the lines of Jango Fetts blasters.. that would be pretty cool adition..


Ive played JediMod servers and I must say It is very fun Try a yoda Kissing Kyle.. he isnt kissing on the lips!!!

Very cool move with the new style, awsome just awsome..

being very tiny has to many advantages kill peeps all the time..


Yoda will very much Fit right in, in this game :)


I really hope this is possible in Single player , I hope they release the source soon.


Also If you could put in Punching like in Hydroball That would be awsome.. Just a Few comments and suggestions


Thank you- Diretan..

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should be possible using the same "technique" that he developped for the sabers.. but it'd look very ugly without new animations... punching is just a new animation and some code that makes it cause damage.. should'nt be that hard.


EDIT: but you'll have to wait some time until raven comes up with a method to create custom animations

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here is a mirror as a temporary link until JK2.net gets their file server back online...







I am working on a new site layout because the frames just HAVE TO GO!!!


if anyone has any little ideas that they'd like to see, you can submit them to dmccarthy100@charter.net


ALL IDEAS would be considered...

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