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I'm Sick Of This Error!!!!!!!!!!!


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This is the error I get if I change the color of light entities or (now) if I add new objects like brushes:


0 light emitting surfaces Only 1026195 gridArrays used out of 1048576 0...1...2...3...4...5...Too many unique lightpoints in the grid!




I can go back to earlier versions but I'm thinking maybe I've just added too much stuff to the map? I don't know, I'm getting tired of this especially since I'm close to finishing and sending out a new beta of it for testing.


General Information about map:



Sith Emergence (working title) screen shots: http://photos.lycos.com/PhotoCShare...6sc0&AID=369094





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Hasn't someone experienced this or can help me with this?? I'm about ready to give up on this and go back to actually playing...waiting 45 min to an hour to see if a change is going to work or not is getting seriously old!! Help me if you can, thanks.

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well I kinda figured it out before I saw this, and that list of error messages pretty much confirms it. I had the light value way to high in some places and the error message on that site said the error was caused by too many lights. Thanks very much for the link, it's very helpful :)

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