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skinning question


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ok i am so very new to this and dont really even have any skinning programs nor do i know of any to use, i was foolin around with some already made skins the other day and noticed the .jpg's for the different body parts, i was wondering if you could take those from one model and put them on another(replacing the defaults) if it would make it look different or not. thanks, please dont consider me stupid, at least i asked before i went and destroyed something right?

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Originally posted by HapSlash

I say go ahead and try it, as long as you don't mess with the assets.pk3's you can't screw anything up to badly. And if you don't like what you end up with, just delete it and then pull the originals back out of the assets.



IT WORKED! i went into the .pk3 file and simply deleted the 2 torso.jpg's and now the model in game has no torso, completely see through. im gonna try throwing a different torso in there now to see what happens.

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Originally posted by Harukaze

If they use the same GLM, it'll work. If not, not. I think quite a few of JO's models are all the same though, so good luck!


i tried it with the darth_reddy skin and the tyrion skin, simply switching the 2 torso.jpg files. it didnt work, my hopes are dashed on that one. but i did figure out how to turn certain things on skins off, like jango fett's rocket pack or kyle's shoulder pad. been foolin around with that for a while now.

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