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There are three stances with the lightsaber: blue, yellow, and red or light, medium, and heavy, respectivly.


Unless you binded the keyboard otherwise, the key to switch is "L." You'll notice that the semi-circle that arches over the icon of your saber in the lower-left portion of the Heads-Up-Display will change colors that correspond to the above.


The default stance is blue. Tapping "L" once will give you yellow, twice will go to red, and three times will return to blue.


There's a link on http://www.jediknightii.net that explains better, but suffice it to say that blue is fast, furious and damage is light. Yellow is a little slower and damage is moderate. Red is *much* slower but damage is more significant. Red stance users can be easy to counter, but at the control of someone experienced (read that as "someone who spends many hours per week playing JK2), it is very effective.


With all of the stances, timing is key. Play some "No Force, Saber Only" maps to start with... that way you won't have to deal with trying to get the hang of timing Force Powers, countering blasters/rockets/etc while developing saber skills.


Big Daddy Skin



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