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What's a Lightsaber good for?

Luke Seaswimmer

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Thanks for the reply.


I guess I'd better bone up on my saber moves. I tried to duke it out with a bot yesterday, and got my clock cleaned (as opposed to getting my pipes cleaned, which is far more pleasureable :-> )


Any tips on saber fighting? E.g. keyboard keys placements, what kind of tactics to use on different kind of enemies, etc.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi, I'm YAN (Yet Another Newbie) :-)


The forum's "Search" function is off line, so I decide to post the question.


I'm still at the Nar Shaddaa street level, and I found that I use the disruptor more that I use the Saber. In fact, the Saber is near useless in this level. I can block attacks from bowcasters, but not from snipers and disruptors.


So is the Saber good only for dueling with characters w/ Force powers?


Or is the level 1 Force simply not useful enough?


Or maybe I lack a patch? :-)


If I do use Sabers as much as possible here, will that accelerate my getting higher Force powers?


Thanks for any info


PS: I also want to ask about creating the optimal keyboard configuration (F1 is a bit too far away), but maybe I should wait until the "Search" is back on line.

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