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Ranking of civilizations


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  • 4 months later...

are you talking about things like who has the best air troops, how has the best jedis? well if you are its in the back of the book. the back of the booklet gives you rankings and pros and cons of picking certain civilaztions. i dont know any links that show this but if i find them i will post them

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Yeah, i meant how each civ. ranks by jedi, air, troopers, etc....i see what they put in the back of the book "Clone Campaign" book. However, in the first SWGB book, they had numeric rankings for all of the civilizations. That's what I was hoping to find.



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they're in the book, d00d.


I don't know what else you want when they've already broken it down by jedi, air, troopers, et al. Do you mean best overall? They're supposed to be balanced, d00d, otherwise everyone would play Republic (of course, everyone already plays Republic, but...)


The best depends on your preference. If you like troops, use republic or wookies. If you like mechs, go empire or TF. If you like air, go rebels or boo. If you like to lose, play the Gungans :D


Seriously, no one civ has a huge advantage over any other, although the Republic does seem to be very powerful.

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reply..........i'll try one last time to explain what I'm wanting.


Yes, in the original SWGB book, there are rankings (numbers 1-5) for each of the SIX civilizations for each unit (jedi, air, etc...)


Great chart.


Then in the Clone Campaigns, they've added the Republic and the Confederacy civlizations. How do they rank in ALL of the units (air, jedi, mechs, etc...) in comparison to the original six civilizations.


Soooooooooo, what I'm trying to find is a chart, with all EIGHT civilizations, where it shows the numeric rankings, just like it did in the first book. the Clone Campaigns book just says "Republic - Strongest units Jedi and Troopers".......that's fine and dandy, but how do they rank in every other unit?


I know the civilizations are supposed to be balanced, but if i was to ask "Who has the stronger airforce, the confederacy or the Republic?" how can I find the answer to that?



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