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Virtual Set Architects needed


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Hello, all.


For a while, I have been toying with the idea for a JK2 moviemaking project that would use the game's own internal cutscene feature to present the "movie."


The goal is to create the characters and premise for an ongoing series of such movies.


The working title of the series is "Chronicles of the Rebellion" and the first release would be "Episode I - A Twist of Fate"


I have some of the characters figured out and the basic plotline is simple:


Durring the Episode IV - VI era, we saw Luke, Han, Leia and the others who made up one particular cell of the Rebel Alliance. But surely there must have been others whose actions and sacrifices contributed to the grander cause of the Rebellion in the Galactic Civil War. Chronicles of the Rebellion follows one of these cells.


While I am fully capable of writing the details surrounding the characters and events of the proposed series, I do not have the time or the skills to bring them to the public. I therefore have no choice but to attempt to recruit skilled individuals to help make it happen.


I am asking for the following people for the project:


Set Architects (level designers)

Scenic Artists (2D Texture Artists)

Costume Department (Skinners)

Prop Department (3D Modelers)

Producers (Scripting coders)

Actors (voice talent)


The events of the overall story touch on, but do not directly involve events from Episodes 4 - 6, so we won't be stepping on anyone's toes.


Anyone remotely interested in helping to get this project off the ground, please message me.


Thank you all for your time.

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superb idea,


i think there would be many level designers who would contribute their maps to the moviemaking project


how long are these movies, you're planning?


no matter if 5 mins or 20 mins length, a movie would need much scripting work, very much...


there arent many maps out yet that have scripted events, so i'm guessing, there is still a lack of good scripters, but this could also be a lack of leveldesigners with good scripting skills.


the rate of people with good scripting skills should increase in time, because of new tutorials being hosted here and there

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Thank you for your words of encouragement, and for your support.


The project has gained its first member today. MustaPekka brings with him 4 years and counting of experience in Radiant architecture. I am confident that this will lend itself to some really good environments in which we will present our stories set a long time ago in a galaxy far far away...


Is there anyone else here in this forum who would like to join and help him out? If so, PM me, and we'll start talking about how you can help.


Take care, all...

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