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/rcon Unknown Comand


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I'm trying to help a friend setup a server but we have hit a brick wall. The server is up and he can connect to it but when he trys to enter an rcon password via the console it say "rcon" unknow command......an ideas ??


He is using xp.

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How exactly are you trying to enter it? To set the rcon pass with the client so you don't need to type it every time, you'd use:


/set rconpassword blahblah


Then you can issue rcon commands like so:


/rcon map ffa_bespin

/rcon status


...and so on.


Otherwise, you need to include the rcon password in the commands like so:


/rcon blahblah map ffa_bespin

/rcon blahblah status


Of course, ou replace blahblah with your actual pass.

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Sry i guess i should be more specific, it say unknown comand for everything, any comand or gibberish thats typed in


Example: /status


Unknown comand "status"


rcon is set in config file and if i conect to the server and try the rcon its fine and can do everything as normal but if he joins and trys it does the above mentioned.

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