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The Sith War!


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Hello people of Jk2


I'm Master Champion, Dark Lord Of The SITH!


I love this game too much, so much that i decided to start a REAL war, i've some apprentices and they duel in the servers bringing the Sith Fury inside!


Usually we challange communities, trying to conquering them in a pure GDR style, and some mounths ago one of our sithlords.. DARTH NEMESIS, attacked the italian NGI community!


It was a massacre, alone nemesis defeated over 100 players, starting an hard challange.


Ngi was almost crushed.. when the Jedi Council called "ELDERS" challanged nemesis, 3 vs 1 ! 2 at time!

Nemesis defeated 2 of them, Kylling and Obikenoby, but at last, the last Elder, the Jedi Avatar defeated Nemesis 10 to 9!


This is unacceptable, Now DARTH TYRANUS, Nemesis's Master took the situation in his hands, and he's creating an ARMY to assault NGI servers and finally CRUSH this little community.


Over 80 players are taking position to assault their servers, it will be the BIGGEST JK2 War, dont miss it!


That shows how JK2 can be played, how we can make atmosphere if we decide to play it with mind and not only with skill!


I posted here to SHOW TO ALL WORLD the NGI community end... LORD TYRANUS, one of my favorite apprentice, will start the invasion in September!

There is no way, NGI will fall! in september... will FALL!



I'm the DARK LORD OF THE SITH, and this is time to show SITHLORDS power to all world!


JOIN US.. or prepare to be destroyed!

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Infact it's an RPG.. real life is real life.. virtual life is virtual life but.. let's enjoy it too ;)


JUST.. check this servers....

Board-For-All JK2







If u want to enter NGI server u need to download a file, it's 1.04umod ( the 1.04 unofficial patch ) but 1.04 still propelly works


Take the file from some website and then enjoy!


Or if u meet DARTH TYRANUS, ask him about joining the army!



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At last Finally someone who sad somthing worth reading!



That shows how JK2 can be played, how we can make atmosphere if we decide to play it with mind and not only with skill!



Of cos we take it seriously!

Sitting here reading this crap, and you lol, of course.....

but when you have the saber in you hand, then you not lol. The adrenalin pumps and you charge!!

May the force be with me!

( and your wife mumbles someting about "men, grow up" or something:wstupid: ) ( and your children are wondering when they can play on "there" computer)


Of course, its serious, or else you wouldn't read this crap!!!



DC!!! Count me in!!!


http://www.phoenixworx.org has down somthening similar with old TA.

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That shows how JK2 can be played, how we can make atmosphere if we decide to play it with mind and not only with skill!



Whats the use with Frag-frogs? Running here, running there as mindless morons ( yes thats what you are)


I agree with DC, JK2 needs deaper atmosphere, better strategy, a higher purpose!

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I dont get this. All it seems to be is a clan that say they are sith, that go to servers and play the best people on those servers to see how good they are. I see clans invading servers all the time. what exactly is so exciting about this one?

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I dont get this. All it seems to be is a clan that say they are sith, that go to servers and play the best people on those servers to see how good they are. I see clans invading servers all the time. what exactly is so exciting about this one?




er, it's being marketed, I think is the answer to your question.

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Thats cool! I would be glad to defend the Jedi Order against this invasion.


My name is


Wol_Gon_Jinn on the Zone


But be prepared to the face the real Master! I was once a Sith Like you, I was the emperor of a clan. I converted to the light side to protect galaxy I once plundered.


Bring it!

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PLEASE..PLEASE.. listen at me!


I'm JEDI_ELDER_AVATAR from NGI Italian community, that's all the story!


3 mounths ago, a Sith called Darth Nemesis appeared on a german server, one of our player accidentally fought him and lost and told him about us!


Darth Nemesis curiosity pushed him in exploring our sectors and he started crushing all our players just for fun!


It started like a joke then.. LORD CHAMPION appeared and challange us, now all of us were interested by the situation, and most of us were defeated by nemesis and were seraching for revenge!


So Champion slowly increased the challange's prize, arriving to "letting us LOOSE our server autority" and we stupiditly accepted, couse the prize for the victory was to conquer the sithlords brotherhood!


But at last.. 147 of our 150 italian players were TOTALLY DEFEATED by Nemesis alone.. in a time of 2 mounths.


the last 3 players, the ELDERS ( jedi council ) challanged him in the last duel of the fate!

We asked Champion to decrease the prize of the challange.. in case of loss, we woule have destroyed the jedi council, in case of victory Sithlords would retired from the server.

At last we WON!... and NEMESIS was forced to run away from the server, but Champion said "Avatar, do u think Nemesis is our best players? ahahah.. a day maybe u will meet his master.. Darth Tyranus"


There were 1 mounth of peace, where we started our ACADEMY, training apprentices, then... our border players noticed strange movement on a BFA server... a sith called DARTH TYRANUS.. we thought it was a joke but it wasnt!


DARTH TYRANUS really exist, and he's stronger then Nemesis.

I think he's stronger then me too... but we will never surrend!

We know that tyranus has an ARMY.. something about 60..70 players, infact the pact of Nemesis's loss was "SITHLORDS cant no more challange NGI players".. but not a SITH ARMY.. only sithlords!


Right now our servers is going to be INVADED from a sith army!

We are training really hard but .. we are not sure to be enough this time.. expecially if NEMESIS ALONE crushed 99 % of us, and nor TYRANUS assault us with an army!


PLEASE..HELP US!!!!!!! WE CANT RETIRE from that challange.. HELP US!!



contact me on ICQ 35433605

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at the first time i wanted to join your army because i wanted to

mess with other BUT THEN:mad: i saw that you are fightning against SITHS.


SITH AGAINST SITH a Power fights himself!!!!!


you should alley with the other clan and fight the light side.


thats what i think a power should not fight against itself!









"They will not have a chance against you

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