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The IRON Brigade is looking for mature players who just enjoy gaming


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Since I began playing Jedi KnightII: Jedi Outcast, I have been searching for a team that is, of course, skilled but that also strives to create an atmosphere of maturity. I went from team to team looking for a group of people where respect and honor have not completely been forgotten. The team that I joined is the IRON Brigade: IRON Jedis.


This team understands that we all have lives and that the point of a game is to have fun. With that said the IRON Brigade has stood as a haven for adult gamers since 1999. Many games have come and gone, but the IRON Brigade still remains strong with a commitment to stability, structure, and a completely positive and enjoyable gaming experience for all.


IRON is a fairly liberal group with informal practices and tournaments. We disdain ranking ourselves and simply view each other as equals. Our current average age is 31; although, I am 19 and fit in just the same. We tend to play CTF and Duel quite a bit, and when TWL is back up and running, we may rejoin their tournaments. Although we enjoy competitive gaming, we like to do it in a more casual way.


The IRON Brigade is looking for players of ALL skill levels. Whether it's your first day picking up the game or you're a master that has slain hundreds of other Jedi and Sith, the IRON Jedis extend their welcome to you.


If you are looking for a clan where you can not only have fun but make lifelong friends while finding a commitment to respect, fairness, and teamwork then perhaps the IRON Brigade is right for you.


We look forward to meeting new teammates and friends in the JKII universe


Join the IRON Brigade: IRON Jedis



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Just a warning to you guys. Playing CTF all night is kinda damaging to your health. I think i'm getting sick =(. Anyways I am glad that we have had such a rush of cool recruits with the hopes of more on the way. If you are mature and respectful and like to have fun then I invite you to join the IRON Brigade: IRON Jedis. Our clan believes strongly in the addage "Life first gaming second" and we also believe in having fun but doing so in a manner that allows others to have fun as well. If you think our gaming community is right for you then drop by and fill out an application. Hope to hear from you soon.


Join the IRON Brigade: IRON Jedis



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I think I read in another thread that the server crashed again. Well anyways we've been having alot of fun dueling and playing some CTF with our new recruits. Especially on the CTF NS_Streets map. We boosted each other up to the top and then sat around sniping people. I got in a few good midair snipes too so i was happy. Anyways I hope to meet some more new guys soon. Cya guys online.

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  • 2 weeks later...

sounds like a good bunch of people just like my clan KA(kiss army) good to see more honorable players in it just for fun, and not just in it for the high scores. Dunno about CTF though, sounds painful! lol. We specialize in saber only with force powers in FFA or in team FFA. and we always r on the gamesdomain severs

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I agree. Ctf can be quite boring. You gentlemen should maybe discuss duel or tffa. Just a suggestion. And to the guy who posted about no force dueling? What's the fun in no force. It takes real skill to kill someone when they are using full force. You should practice at it. I garantee you'll love it once you get the hang of using the force powers. :)

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Actually, the jedi team is mostly a duel clan at this point...duel NF is my personal favorite. In fact, we are looking for an honorable clan to challenge to a 1x1 duel (2-3 rotating members in one on one duels). We are, however,training a CTF team right now also, variety is the spice of life, eh. That way we have plenty of variety for our members. For anyone that is interested, IRON is a multigaming clan...for more info, come to the site and peruse! Reptile IRON :)



Join the IRON Brigade: IRON Jedis



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Five posts ago you said it was cool...??? In any event, its not my favorite either, but its a nice option to have for the members that enjoy it. I can stand to play it for a little while, but it just doesnt capture the intensity and excitement of dueling that dueling has for me. Reptile Iron



Join the IRON Brigade: IRON Jedis



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