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Frequent fragging taking a toll on your mouse?? I may have the answer.

Bird Of Prey!

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Anybody who has played JKII Outcast, or any online first person shooter, for an extended period of time has had mouse issues. The average mouse is not made to take such abuse and eventually requires cleaning and then craps out.


From the days of Duke-Nukem' 3D, until 2 years ago, I went through a mouse about every six months. Then I found The Razer Boomslang mouse by Karna. It is a mouse made by gamers for gamers and it lives up to the hype. I've had my current mouse for 2 years now and it performs like new.


In addition, when Activision was developing The Soldier Of Fortune Engine, they based it on this mouse. It is no secret that JKII uses the SOF engine.


So if you're not happy with your current mouse, if you kill mice on a regular basis, or if you just want to improve your kill ratio, head on over to http://www.razerzone.com/ and check the Boomslang out.

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JK2 and SOF2 use a modified version of the Quake3 engine, Activision had nothing to do with that, it was all Raven's work. Whether they modified it with the boomslang in mind i don't know but i do know that using an optical mouse with JK2 also works perfectly. With an optical you NEVER have to worry about cleaning a ball or anything, which puts it a step ahead of the boomslang and any other ballmouse if you ask me.

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