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Patch 1.04 Any Good?


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1.04 has only one problem... the default saber damage is extremely low (it takes 5 lunge attacks to kill someone not holding a saber. That's someone NOT BLOCKING...a skin to saber direct hit 5 times...not to mention it going from the crotch up to their head)



Now, for servers that put saber damae to it's PROPER state....1.04 is fine.



1.04 should have set saber damage to high as default. Default? NO reason to use saber. Why you saber when you can just keep shooting the repeater secondary, fletchette, or rocket launcher?

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I was one of the people that had this game pre-ordered about four months beforehand (not that it made any difference, as the wall was filled with copies when I went to pick it up), and I probably blew a good 20-30 hours of my life playing it until 1.03 came out. Now, I'm not complaining that 1.03 was bad and there was too much backstabbing and so forth because I think what happened was that I was so used to 1.02 that the huge changes just caught me way off guard.


So, my question is, how do you guys find 1.04? Much better? Are most games online just spam-fests anymore? I tried looking for some other threads on this, but nothing seemed to pop up.

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Well I play NF duels and I love it.


For backround info I didn't like 1.02: it wasnt terrible but sabers were not balanced. DFA ruled all.


hated 1.03 even more because of the ass fighters.


Love 1.04 DFa is nerferd(at least 1 on 1) ass fighting is nerfed.


But like I said I mainly play NF duels.


I have never once even fired a gun in multiplayer.

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i think that 1.3 was great i am not an ASS fighter but is till did found it great


1.4 is great too......


but......... the hitboxes in 1.4 are ####ed up if you hit a guy it sometimes wont do him damage i mean when you got a ping of 100 and he has got 20 he will hit you like 3 meters in front of you and that sucks in 1.4 so i still think 1.3 was great ow yeah if guys were assfighting just leap up do them :cool:

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Hey, 1.04 is a nice version I think. Even though the damage system makes for long and tedious lightsaber battles, it makes a good saberist stay on their toes and calls for an undeniable amount of concentration. I can't decide If I like the saber battles better in 1.02 or 1.04 (1.03 definitely not!!!) 1.02 showcased the tru deadliness of the lightsaber, and made it a weapon to reckon with. 1.04 really sjows who is the master in a duel because it makes for some epially long duels where one shot could take it. I think 1.04 is solid though!:D

C ya, The POll CAT:holosid:

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