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PLZ experts help with bind for JediMod

Master ToFu-X

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hi guys,


i just have a few questions hopefully not to demanding...um is there anyway i could bind a key to say a console command...say i wanted to hit c and player would taunt. also could i bind a key to say the command for activating two sabers so i could toggle between 1 and 2 or even between dual sabers?? also, could i bind a key to say the /g2platoon cmd to keep spawning troopers to fight??


if u could help i would really appreciate your expertise even if u have ideas that would be great.


thanx a lot.



i cannot get the bots to yield dualblades so i could like fight a dual saber maul....any help is greatful...thanx

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Originally posted by Master ToFu-X

i just have a few questions hopefully not to demanding...um is there anyway i could bind a key to say a console command...say i wanted to hit c and player would taunt. also could i bind a key to say the command for activating two sabers so i could toggle between 1 and 2 or even between dual sabers?? also, could i bind a key to say the /g2platoon cmd to keep spawning troopers to fight??

/bind <key> <command>



/bind x taunt

/bind f3 twosaber

/bind f4 thedestroyer


make sure to use quotation marks if the command has spaces (eg. /bind q "cg_drawfps 1").

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