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Yoda "Officially Released"


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I'm sure I covered this already. The skin is done, but I'm going to release it one week from now. Want to check the detail settings and see what optimizations I can make to the skin. I want the closest quality to the higher resolution version as possible.

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you guys are so lucky, i`ve got the model now, but i can`t test it until weekend!!! :(


edit: that was the reply to my post on the "kinja needs help" - thread

The yoda u got off jk2files.com is the ripped one meaning that it is not the official one. They changed several things after that one was taken so u r missin out man.


i ment with my post i got the jedimod 2++ from jk2files.com NOT the yoda model. because i know every time i download an incomplete version god kills a kitty!!!

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I actually found a slight bug with Yoda (no, it's not his hair. the hair is really well done).


When he stands still, his feet look perfect, but when he walk/run/jump, his feet and legs overlap and it almost looks like he's running around with one leg.


I also found this problem in the Yuuzhan Vong model that's out.

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well the hair has a bug too i think... but thats no problem. i don't look at the hair while playing :D

- - - -

i hate it when a bigger or smaller character resizes when he dies. thats the stupidest thing on JediMod 2.2 :rolleyes:

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sorry 4 going a little off subject but kinja i think u crashed the jediknightii.net server lol


it has a server error everytime i try to connect to it, im taking it was ur yoda model being so popular the amount of ppl was too much 4 it to handle :D :D



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Got the model yesterdaywhen all of you were sleeping (God Bless GMT)


Great work guys. I liked the taunts (though I changed the default to "Great Warrior? <Yoda laugh>"


The only thing I have any problem with is that fact that the Yoda bot has a blue saber ;) I fixed it myself however :)


Flawless work. Keep it up and Congrats!

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this is possibly the greatest day of my life...... ok im j/k

but i d/l yoda (superb model ppl well done u rule :D ) then i d/l jedimod ++2.2? and yoda is auto sized :D


but his saber is still large but i dont care its YODA!!!!!




btw jediknightii.net is back but still a little screwed lol :D last count was 8000 odd d/l :eek:

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This is by far the best model/skin that I have ever downloaded for a game.


I have only one problem though: It seems that it takes about one shot with a saber to kill him, as opposed to the five or six it takes everyone else.... why?


Also... about the bots.... how do I get them to use custom sabers?

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D.L figured it out, forgot to d/l yodas saber :o was using the origonal kyle saber :eek: my bad :D

anyway it now rocks and canna wait 4 all jedi council to be done and (hopefully) and equal amount of sith.


sand arena, sith team and jedi team here we come!!!!




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Originally posted by MeLoN


Also... about the bots.... how do I get them to use custom sabers?


You have to edit the script in the scripts folder in the pk3.


Change the saber color from 1 to 2 (I think. Can't remember exactly)

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The yoda model kicks ass with the mod 2.0.........thnx kinja and guys..


But i have discovered that there is quite a few new binds in a mod.....which i have not tried before...here is what ive found


bind key kiss -> kiss other people

bind key sit -> sit down with legs crossed(cool jedi meditation)

bind key draw -> draw light saber in a yoda cool way

bind key super -> hands in side stance(short)

and there is also the desann way of drawing ur saber spinning it in the air before catching it...damned if i can remember the command


there is the \twosaber

and the \thedestroyer


but is there any more.....is there a thread or some way to find a list over possible commands....???? anyone know any not in my list please post it..'


best regards ulrik

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Just a question, if you dont know the answer, dont post any other comments. Sorry if it has been answered before:


Can I use the scaled Yoda model with an older version of JK2 (1.02 to be exact.)


And if this requires me to use the Jedimod, can I then only play on servers that have this mod.


thank you

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I think Kinja said it only works with 1.04


As for the JediMod, the scaled Yoda will only worked on these servers though I see no reason as to why the full size Yoda model wouldn't work on any other server.

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Originally posted by D.L.

I think Kinja said it only works with 1.04


As for the JediMod, the scaled Yoda will only worked on these servers though I see no reason as to why the full size Yoda model wouldn't work on any other server.


Thank you...


But what works only with 1.04, the scale mod?

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It does work on servers that are not running JediMod (any version), as long as the server has the model. Yoda will be big however (makes sense if the scaling mod isn't running, eh?) I played yesterday as a "quasimoto" Yoda on at least a few servers. He's actually taller than any of the other models because of the way he fits the skeleton. That's why the 0.6 scale doesn't seem right. You have to modify the scaling code til he seems right. I have him at 0.4, but it's almost impossible to hit him when you're a tall player like Chewie or Desaan.


On a side note, I played against a guy w/ the name "Master Yoda" last night on a server running the Ewok village map, as a Dark Yoda. I showed him who the real master was.

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