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Yoda "Officially Released"


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I just don't understand .... . . what's so difficult about getting lil' Yoda working?


I've read the threads (yeah, I actually do - all the way through - I'm THAT boring ;)

... . . I read the README's (imagine that!)

.. . . and I follow the instructions.


It worked first time. I'll say it again: "Yoda team", GREAT job on this project. If satisfied "customers" was your aim, here's a genuine *sigh* of satisfaction. Well worth the wait.

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Originally posted by Frumpus

I just don't understand .... . . what's so difficult about getting lil' Yoda working?


... . . I read the README's (imagine that!)

.. . . and I follow the instructions.


So what are you saying? I'm not used to editing game's files and stuff and I don't want to mess anything up. So I seek "pro" help. =P Someone or anyone that knows what they're doing.

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could the yoda team possibly take the yoda model and shrink it down so taht you can use it in SP at the correct height. I thought since you can't edit kyle size in the npc then you can just change the model size around the skeleton so taht yoda appears smaller. I mean, some of the animations like the arms may be a little delayed but it would be worht it to play as yoda in SP at the proper height.

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Originally posted by Obie Trice

#### that #### bitch eat a motha ####en dick chew on a brik n lick a millon motha ####en cocks per second ......so u gotta do that mods #### every tiem u wanna play wit a lil yoda?




By the way Obie, try replacing the b in brik with a P, if you wanna get it right.



Chew on a Brik,lol aahahahahahaahahaha, thats some funny crap!, OMG Chew on a Brik...

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I have to give the 'Yoda Team' a big thumbs-up now, I got him working with no problems on the first try.


The bot problem I fixed by editing the JediMod 1.1's bot list, for some reason, Kyle's name and model name was changed to 'Yoda' and this overrode the bot list in the Yoda model PK3 itself. Changing it back allowed the Yoda bot to work right.


He plays beautifully, jumping around more than usual because he's shorter, and the only problem is that he has a tendency to fall down pits because he's smaller, and where a larger player with a bigger base might be able to skirt an edge, he slips in. The falling noise is kind of off-putting, too. "No."


I'm waiting for better skins, though, particularly in regards to the hair - although I have seen this addressed by another modeler/skinner fellow, I'd like to see it 'officialized'.

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Its funny you mention this tansperency problem..

Jut invested in the new MSI gforce 3 from a realy crappy TNT2AGP card but still have tranperency problems.

However ,I took some screen grabs and it seems to show in them.



Stange huh?

Maybe the hot flames from this thread singed his hair off...?:confused:



So hows it feel to have have been involved in the most wanted game model on the net?


Oh I was curious about the extra taunts included in the sound file.

Are we able to trigger those with jedimod,or is this something specific for single player or something like that?


Get some rest,im sure youve had a buisy few days.

Kudos on the model guy.

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I was going to release the ESB yoda skinpack this week, but ran into some sort of a snag. It's not a problem for me as I don't use the scaling mods, but one of the people that have tested the pack out has reported that it does not work with the 'tck' mod. I will download the 'jedimod' and see if it works with that one. If anybody knows what the problem is, let me know. It works fine in regular multiplayer though.

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Originally posted by Kinja

Well, the hair works(the transparancy I mean) evidently for some people. But I hav'nt got it to work either. So if anyone knows the secret, please fill us in! Thx.


well, it works for me sometimes! it seems to depend on the arc i look at yoda, i mean when i look from side it works fine, but if i look from behind or from top the hair "appears".

information: my Grafics card is a GeForce 2 Pro

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Originally posted by kman@polycount

I was going to release the ESB yoda skinpack this week, but ran into some sort of a snag. It's not a problem for me as I don't use the scaling mods, but one of the people that have tested the pack out has reported that it does not work with the 'tck' mod. I will download the 'jedimod' and see if it works with that one. If anybody knows what the problem is, let me know. It works fine in regular multiplayer though.


First of all, Jedimod uses the TCK mod, so what you said is basicly the same. Second - the mod scales the character by the skin's name, which means that if you want to scale down the model, you'll have to add a line which refers to the skin's name on the tckmodel.cfg.


For example:

Normal Yoda's scaling line is

"yoda" 0.37 0.55

But the Sith Yoda's scaling line is

"darkyoda" 0.37 0.55

So ESB's Yoda would probably be

"esbyoda" 0.37 0.55


[Edit: Hmm, didn't notice that last line, but I don't get what it refers to - the singleplayer? If it does you need to edit the npc.cfg file, nothing to do with the tck mod]

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That's weird. I didn't know that the hair worked fine for some people.

Does it work properly for them in all of the maps? There may be some kind of shader conflict in certain levels and not in others. Other than that, I find it rather confusing. Hopefully SilentMobious's fix-up will solve all such issues.


Kman, I'm looking forward to checking out those ESB skins of yours. In the screens you've shown, they've looked amazing.

About the snag, are you certain that they entered it's name correctly in the tckmodel.CFG? I can't imagine why else it wouldn't work.


Kn1ves, when Kman said that it works fine in regular MP, I assume that he meant that the model is fine at it's unaltered, basic root skeleton size. (same size as kyle and everybody else)


Oh and the biggest thing I've noticed is that, for all the impatient requests calling for this model before it came out, there are certainly not enough "thanks you's" for the excellent (and time-consuming) work that everyone on the Yoda Team did for all of our benefit. ;)


I have been enjoying your work immeasurably :D





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Just in case this was missed the first time around and because I'm dealing with a compiling issue with JKRadiant (:mad:) -so I've got some free time to browse around here- I am very much looking forward to your ESB skins Kman. I am very curious if you have figured out what the problem was. Heh, not like you have anything else going on or anything. ;)





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I've noticed while I was trying to figure out what was up with Yoda's hair disappearing on me some of the time, that it would appear when my lightsaber was leaving sparks in the ground, and dissappear when it stopped. This set me out thinking that it was a shader layering error, so I looked for a way to smack the shader order around. I found after about 15 minutes of changing stuff around that setting


cg_shadows 2


made the hair appear as a constant. Hope this helps!




BTW: What ever happened to the hair reskins from the Yoda Hair and Now thread? They looked really nice...

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