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I can't play jedi Outcast on Zone.com !HELP!


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Can anyone help me with this problem?


I have a Korean Windows 98, and DirectX 8.1.

I bought Jedi Outcast from the US, and installed it. Since I own a Voodoo 3 2000, Jedi Outcast had some problems with my card.

So I downloaded WickedGL and installed it. After installing that, the Single Player worked fine.


After playing some Single Player, I tried Multiplayer, and started a game with just bots. There were no problems so far, and the game worked great.


But when I tried to play Multiplayer on the Zone.com, and tried to join a game, the launcher displayed a message like the following:


"Game failed to launch. Click OK to stay, or Cancel to return to the lobby."


I tried to join games on Zone.com many times, but the game didn't launch and the message above was kept shown.


In hoping to solve this network, multiplayer problem,

I ran the DirectX Diagnostics, and found a possible reason why the game didn't launch at Zone.com.


When I clicked on the "Network" tab at the DirectX Diagnostics, I found the following error statements,


"Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast (DX7) - Registry: Error, ExeFile: jk2mp.exe"


and on the bottom window, it said:


"DirectPlay program 'Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast' has a missing, or damaged registry. Please re-install DirectX"


(This is my translation into English. The original message was mostly in Korean. But the translation will be fairly accurate.)


So the reason why the Zone.com game launcher failed to launch, was because of this 'missing registry'. (Or so I assume.)


To fix this matter on my account, I first tried un-installing, then re-installing Jedi Outcast. But that didn't solve the error message at the DirectX Diagnostics.


Secondly, I un-installed Jedi Outcast and even un-installed DirectX 8.1(I downloaded a DirectX un-installer.). I then installed DirectX 8.0, and re-installed Jedi Outcast.

But this neither fixed the error....


Currently, I updated my DirectX to 8.1 again.

But what could I do to fix the registry error? Please e-mail me at: jimsong@hanmail.net or post a reply below...

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I don't feel like making a new topic. A friend of mine that lives about 20 minutes away and I are trying to play in a multiplayer game of JK2. When the server list comes up we both have totally different servers that come up. All of our settings are correct and identical. I even tried running my own un-dedicated server; he used my IP and found the game but when he got there it said awaiting challenger.. can some one help me here?

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