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Model-Scaler Mod ONLY, Please!!!

Owen Yu

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I was wondering if there was a mod that ONLY rescales model sizes. JediMod 2.2++ has a lot of neat features, but I don't really want all of them just so I can have a properly-sized Yoda in my games. If anyone who reads this knows the guy who wrote JediMod, could you ask him to release a mod that only resizes models? Thank you.

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Wait it can be done. Jedimod is a collaboration of efforts.


So therefore TCK made the scaling and the saber stuff.


So if you could contact him and get a pk3 file with just his

stuff, it shoud work.



Or just unzip the jedimod.pk3 and delete the animation

folders and all that you dont want then re-pk3 it and put it in

the folder.

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Yes tchouky's model scaling mod will do that but its a bit buggy. You can turn off all jedimod features however (provided you have JediMod v1.1 and not Jedimod++, dont think you can turn off everyhtingk in the ++ one) try something like this:


mod_dualsaber 0

mod_dualblade 0

mod_extrastances 0

mod_funmode 0

mod_skillMode 0

mod_blockthrow 0

mod_blockscale 1

mod_saberLockDuelOnly 1

mod_scalemodels 1

mod_scalesabers 1


cvars you might want to leave at 1 or change to 0






See if doing that helps. Should basically give you just a model scaling mod. Not sure if it will work with duel se like that though, but I'm not sure just a model scaling mod would either.

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...also, how do I host a game on the MSN Gaming Zone with JediMod 2.2++ without having to apply the mod and having the game restart itself (takes extra time)? I tried just putting all the JediMod files in my GAMEDATA\BASE directory (like other mods), but it didn't work.

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