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npcMod----v1.0 (almost finished)

Lord Ignasius

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No! It is some neat stuff! So booyah, booya-a, booyah, booyah Kakakakakakaka


Making yoda scaled is easy things to do


Speaking About Yoda---- In my mod I include Evil Yoda, or Boda.

He uses red ctf skin made by Kman.


Yoda Ready To Fight His Evil Brother


Boda His Evil Brother


As you can see Yoda and His Brother will jump and move speedily!


Yoda and Boda look into each others eyes, before they fight again


Another shot this time yoda is in the air!



Dont forget to remove http:// in the new window!

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Emon, are you always this annoying!? Assuming this is the same person from Massassi. Lighten up for Christ's sake!


I'll have a look at your mod when it's available. What's the full specs/abilities of the mod?

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I have my opinion, just like you have yours. If you think adding some new NPCs and some extras which he fails to name is "OMFG SO COOL!!" Then that's fine with me. I think it's completely useless and redundant. It's just my opinion, and it's what I think, and you aren't going to change it.

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I'm am adding this neato map. Kinda Like in this Half-Life Map where you pushed buttons to spawn npc's. Then you can go into the arena and fight. I am also trying to get it were you can choose the arena you fight in! I am also working on some class things, if yall really want to know! I am trying custom hilts, until I can get it working or am tired of trying!

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So much for the whole beta testing deal. -_-

I've always wanted to know how to add npc's and make .pk3's. Anyone who can answer these questions for me will be greatly appreciated. I don't want to have to make a thread asking it. ;-/

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Originally posted by Lord Ignasius

I tried to send to you K.O. but your e-mail wouldn't take it!


And I still need beta testers. For the beta test tho the map will not be finished. I will put up on my website soon


Yeah, so you sent me the webpage and that didn't work either. That's what I'm saying you need to fix. I suggest you go use geocities or something rather than lycos or angelfire. ;-/

Just as long as I'm still in the beta testing I'll be happy though. :)


**Edit: Forgot to say thanks. :D Thanks a bunch andshrew!

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Yes I have a geocities webpage, but it only allows 5mb uploads, but I can split it into multiple files so it will work, I have some few kinks to work on then I will send to you K.O., also


Emon would you like to beta test my mod, you sound like a superb critique. If so reply with your e-mail. The test I am going to put up is for balance, Like tell me if you think a person is too powerful or doesn't fight good enough. Thx Emon!

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