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WIP: Han Solo: Hoth Gear

oddjob: A-Team

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Ok, here's a more updated skin for the face. I am no skinner, which is why I am going to give the opportunity to HapSlash to have a crack at it before it's released.


Speaking of which, hey HapSlash, would you need the model in game or just the model in some skinable form(milkshape or whathave you) or just the skin meshes?

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Hey nice work Oddjob :)

Just my offerings of advice:

Yeah the neck seems too long. I think his forehead is a little too small and his chin seems a bit too long and pointy. I also think the hair might be a little too big (?) or thick. Everything else on the face looks good to me and should fall into place nicely with those other touch ups (In my eyes anyway).

Please don't take any of that the wrong way. In my opinion you've come close (which is extremely hard to do; nearly impossible perhaps) and I think with those few small adjustments you may just hit the nail on the head.





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Originally posted by Lazarus85

wasnt the coat white?


Not to be rude, but please, if you are going to post a critique, do some research first. Or at least assume we modelers have done ours first.





No, it was blue. You are probably thinking of Lukes, which was brown/tan and white.

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How can you mistake the brown in the movie to midnight blue?! It was most definitly brown. I have a habit of watching the Star Wars series every weekend, so I think I'd catch a thing or two. The 1980 fig had a wrong color coat. In the Kenner 1996 POTF2 version of the figure, they corrected that mistake and made it brown, but it, in the movies, was brown. The only time it looked like blue was when he was getting ready to go out, but it was dark and shadowy in Echo Base. Heres links: http://systems.figures.com/database/index.html?page=detail&sdomid=5&sitemid=322



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