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JediMod v1.1 up at jk2files!


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JediMod v1.1 has just been uploaded at http://www.jk2files.com JediMod v1.1 is the next offical version of JediMod.


You need both JediMod v1.0 and JediMod v1.1 in order for the new version to work. This will allow you to join 1.0 servers as well as 1.1 servers and makes the download size of 1.1 smaller.


If you downloaded JediMod 2.0++ or 2.1++ you will have to reinstall JediMod v1.0. The older ++ versions overwrote JediMod v1.0 (don't think the make of the ++ mod knew what he was doing, by the way the guy that made JediMod++ is not the maker of jk2++)


JediMod++ is a mod of JediMod. It is JediMod combined with jk2++. If you didn't like jk2++ then you definately want to download JediMod v1.1. JediMod v1.1 is the offical version of JediMod.


Expect to see hilt packs compatible with JediMod v1.1 coming out soon.

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Yes there would be plenty of servers if jediknightii.net hadn't screwed up and released jedimod++ instead of my mod. JediMod 1.1 has a search feature and hopefully lots of people will download it and there will be many servers. You just have to tell people to use JediMod v1.1 instead of JediMod++ if you want more servers heh :) There were lots of servers before JediMod++ 2.2 came out and jediknightii.net made it seem like the next version of JediMod. :mad: I'm very mad at jediknightii.net

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Really the solution here is to have one MOD not two. They both do the same thing with the ++ version just adding more features and tweaking. I think it would be to everyone's benifit if you guys just join forces since all they did was take your code and add the ++ enhancements to it.


They could create cvars to turn off any ++ stuff that the admin doesn't want. Then we have one mod, one file to download, and loads of servers! This seems like such an obvious thing to me.


BTW what is not to like about the ++ stuff??? Think about it...


Jedimod++ I believe adds these items:


1) special admin features like slap, silence, rename players

2) increased saber damage

3) tweaking of weapons

4) force drain and heal are given a boost

5) force speed and seeing use less mana

6) heavy style is slightly faster


I like these items and I can't see why anyone wouldn't? Please enlighten me. You can check it out on my server right now. It plays great and seems very well balanced.


It works great for regualar games and makes CTF games much better. It's great what they did. They combined two good mods to make a better overall mod IMO. Why not continue to do your updates to your code Dest but let us have one MOD to standardize on?


Of course there are two sides to this too and all... :confused:


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Hmm it seems that JediKnightii.net wasn't to blame for only uploading JediMod++. Apparently sithlord-ii recommended that version because he talks to bofh a lot. So JediKnightii.net is good again.

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If the guy had followed my lead and made everything toggleable then you could just turn JediMod++ into JediMod but you can't because he didnt add cvars like I did.


Yep. Have you talked to the author of jedimod++? Now that I think about it more I don't understand why they didn't just simply include your jedimod code into their JK2++ mod. They could have called it the next version of JK2++ with the jedimod enhancements. And since your stuff can be turned off it doesn't hurt those who want to run JK++ without the jedimod stuff.


Then it would be very clear as to the differnece between these two mods. There definitely needs to be some convergence here with all of these mods. Players are going to get fed up having to download 4 different mods to play on 4 different servers.


But I applaud you Dest, your jedimod code is an excellent add-on to the game. You are on the right track in your mod with all of the CVARS to toogle things on and off and by making it easy to integrate with other mods. Now only if others would follow your lead. :)

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