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Looping script command?...


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Ok, say I want to loop something... like my saber color, so it just changes indefinately... this is how I do


set colorloop "color1 0; wait 5; color1 1; wait 5; color1 2; wait 5; color1 3; wait 5; color1 ; 4; wait 5; color1 6; wait 5; vstr colorloop"


That's the only possible way I can see to loop it, or anything else...


But, as some of you may notice... the engine tries to resolve the command... but it can't:mad: Sooo, the console is stuck...and won't take any other commands, because it can't do 2 things at once (perhaps one of its flaws)...


So what do I do? Is there a different way to loop?... Is there some way to get the console to stop the current command?

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I imagine you could build a infinite loop script that would have the same result. I'm not an expert on the Console mechanics so I can't help you with the rest except, maybe, just maybe, you can abort out of a command in the console with Control+C or Control+Pause. (those are the standard keys for aborting seqences.)

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